I am very proud of how well the students handled all of the safety drills we practiced last week. They were very understanding when they were explained and brave when they practiced. Of course, we hope we will only ever have to practice these things, but if a situation of any type (weather, fire, intruder) comes up we will be prepared.
Star of the Week: This week we will learn about Elise, Tristan, Yenghua, Hayes, and Ariyah.
Word Study: This week we will focus on the letters a, g, d, s. We will be working on handwriting and sounds.
Field Trips: Thank you for getting field trip forms back! I will be reaching out to chaperones for our Piggly Wiggly trip on October 1st tomorrow.
Writing: In writing this week we are going to talk about telling our stories step by step and not missing any detail! We will make our characters have feelings in our pictures and words. We will also try to get more sounds in our words.
Reading: We are continuing our work in storybooks in the classroom as well, trying to say even more on every page to make our words match the text and connecting pages to make our reading sound even more grown up by using phrases like "and then" and "after that." We will even be looking for and reading words we know and see again and again.
Reading: This week we will continue to add reading strategies to our chart. We will use double-check to be sure that the reading makes sense and looks right, we will remind each other to not give up and try and try again, and try vowel sounds two ways. At the end of the week we will work on giving book introductions in our partnerships.
Homecoming dress up days:
Tuesday: Crazy Sock Day
Wednesday: NDLC/Purple School Spirit Day
Thursday: Disney or Super Hero Day
Friday: Orange and Black Day
September 24: Family Night 5:30 p.m.
October 1: K/1 Field trip to Piggly Wiggly
October 2: Picture Day- You can send envelopes to school before or on this day!
October 4: No School for students
October 11: Kindergarten only Field Trip
Have a great week!
Classroom News
Star of the Week: This week we will learn about Elise, Tristan, Yenghua, Hayes, and Ariyah.Word Study: This week we will focus on the letters a, g, d, s. We will be working on handwriting and sounds.
Field Trips: Thank you for getting field trip forms back! I will be reaching out to chaperones for our Piggly Wiggly trip on October 1st tomorrow.
Writing: In writing this week we are going to talk about telling our stories step by step and not missing any detail! We will make our characters have feelings in our pictures and words. We will also try to get more sounds in our words.
What's new this week in Kindergarten?
Math: In math this week our focus will shift from showing number quantity to comparing number quantity. We will learn about a new math tool called a comparing mat that will help us to distinguish numbers as greater than and less than. We will also be exploring and classifying shapes. We will also revisit and practice addition and subtraction and begin working with number formation.Reading: We are continuing our work in storybooks in the classroom as well, trying to say even more on every page to make our words match the text and connecting pages to make our reading sound even more grown up by using phrases like "and then" and "after that." We will even be looking for and reading words we know and see again and again.
What's new this week in First Grade?
Math: This week we will represent addition in multiple ways. We will discuss the most efficient ways. We will also use addition to solve story problems and visualize equality. Some of the strategies we will use are picture drawings, circle drawings, math mountains, and equations.Reading: This week we will continue to add reading strategies to our chart. We will use double-check to be sure that the reading makes sense and looks right, we will remind each other to not give up and try and try again, and try vowel sounds two ways. At the end of the week we will work on giving book introductions in our partnerships.
Upcoming Events:
Homecoming dress up days:Tuesday: Crazy Sock Day
Wednesday: NDLC/Purple School Spirit Day
Thursday: Disney or Super Hero Day
Friday: Orange and Black Day
September 24: Family Night 5:30 p.m.
October 1: K/1 Field trip to Piggly Wiggly
October 2: Picture Day- You can send envelopes to school before or on this day!
October 4: No School for students
October 11: Kindergarten only Field Trip
Have a great week!
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