Just a reminder that the service group has started a new fall project. They are collecting gently used or new clothing for the Community Clothes Closet located in Menasha, Wisconsin. They are accepting the donations November 19th from 4 PM to 7:30 PM. The NDLC Scholastic Book Fair will also be taking place at this time.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me. My email is lemmh@kaukaunasd.org.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me. My email is lemmh@kaukaunasd.org.
Classroom News
Word Study:Kindergarten: we, it, and, up
1st Grade: had, they, will, too, all
Writing: The students are so energetic to write and share information about their world. This week we will continue to elaborate our stories and study mentor texts. We will do some goal setting and self-assessing, along with some editing to make our pieces ready to share.
Reading: We are a week into our Nonfiction Reading Unit...the students love learning about the world around them.
This week we will be revisiting many of the skills taught in our Word Detective Unity: on how to solve tricky words.
One thing to consider when reading with your child is that they don't have to read every word perfect. Consider: 1) Are they thinking about the meaning, does it make sense? 2.) When they come to a tricky word, are they flexible in their word solving and trying many different things? We want to grow strategic readers who have an understanding of what they read.
This week we will be doing two science mysteries. The first will focus on why family members look alike. The second mystery will have students examining structures like roots, branches, and leaves to understand why trees don't blow down in the wind.
What's new this week in Kindergarten?
Math: We will review the two new patterns we learned last week, +1 and -1. Your mathematician will be classifying shapes and learning the attributes of hexagons. Ask your student where they see shapes at home. That will help them see the usefulness of geometry in the real world.What's new this week in First Grade?
Math: This week your mathematician will be focusing on doubles patterns. We will continue our work with addition, subtraction, and the unknown partner in our story problems. We have found it tricky for students to focus on what they know from the story problem, what do they want to find out, and how will they solve it.Upcoming Events:
November 19th - Scholastic Book Fair 4 PM - 7:30 PM
November 22nd - Half Day, Dismissal 11:30 AM
November 27th - No School
November 28th - No School
November 29th - No School
Have an awesome week!
Mrs. Lemm
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