Hello! This week is safety week. Today we practiced a fire drill, tomorrow we will practice a lock down/evacuation drill, and on Thursday we will have a weather drill. To prepare for the lock down drill tomorrow we will be reading the book I'm Not Scared, I'm Prepared book written by Julia Cook.
Word Study: This week we will focus on the letters i, u, c, o and we will review last weeks. We will be working on handwriting and sounds.
Field Trips: On October 1st we will all be going on a walking field trip to Piggly Wiggly as a part of our School and Community Helpers unit. Kindergartners will be going on a field trip on the afternoon of October 11th to Heckrodt Wetland Reserve and the Kaukauna Fire Department. I will also be going with them. There will be a sub for the afternoon with the first graders. Field trip forms will be coming home soon!
Writing: I teach writing to the whole group through a mini lesson and then meet with students in small groups and one on one to meet their needs. The small moment stories that we have been writing are so fun to read! This week we will work on partnerships, storytelling, reading our writing like a book, and making our characters come to life. See some of our writing charts below.
Reading: This week we will be switching our reading focus to storybooks. We will turn stories we've read a zillion times into stories we can read on our own, we will emphasize the importance of telling the important parts on the right page, and use exact character words.
Reading: Please remember to send book bags back each day even if you don't get to them at night! Thank you for helping with that! This week we will take a sneak peek of the pictures to figure out the words and working on dropping some reading bad habits such as asking for help, mumbling, and freezing when we get stuck.
Monday: Hat/Crazy Hair Day
Tuesday: Crazy Sock Day
Wednesday: NDLC/Purple School Spirit Day
Thursday: Disney or Super Hero Day
Friday: Orange and Black Day
September 16-20: School Safety Week We will practice drills
September 24: Family Night 5:30 p.m.
October 1: K/1 Field trip to Piggly Wiggly
October 4: No School for students
October 11: Kindergarten Field Trip
Classroom News
Star of the Week: Last week we learned about Mia, Ethan, Ava, and Judah. This week we are learning about Elias, Claire, Kenzie, Jawreh, and Jackson. We will also celebrate Claire and Jackson's birthday!Word Study: This week we will focus on the letters i, u, c, o and we will review last weeks. We will be working on handwriting and sounds.
Field Trips: On October 1st we will all be going on a walking field trip to Piggly Wiggly as a part of our School and Community Helpers unit. Kindergartners will be going on a field trip on the afternoon of October 11th to Heckrodt Wetland Reserve and the Kaukauna Fire Department. I will also be going with them. There will be a sub for the afternoon with the first graders. Field trip forms will be coming home soon!
Writing: I teach writing to the whole group through a mini lesson and then meet with students in small groups and one on one to meet their needs. The small moment stories that we have been writing are so fun to read! This week we will work on partnerships, storytelling, reading our writing like a book, and making our characters come to life. See some of our writing charts below.
What's new this week in Kindergarten?
Math: We will work on our understanding of circles to show numbers. We will compare numbers between 1-5, using the words greater and less.Reading: This week we will be switching our reading focus to storybooks. We will turn stories we've read a zillion times into stories we can read on our own, we will emphasize the importance of telling the important parts on the right page, and use exact character words.
What's new this week in First Grade?
Math: We will continue to work on our understanding of partners to 10 this week.Reading: Please remember to send book bags back each day even if you don't get to them at night! Thank you for helping with that! This week we will take a sneak peek of the pictures to figure out the words and working on dropping some reading bad habits such as asking for help, mumbling, and freezing when we get stuck.
Upcoming Events:
Next week homecoming dress up days:Monday: Hat/Crazy Hair Day
Tuesday: Crazy Sock Day
Wednesday: NDLC/Purple School Spirit Day
Thursday: Disney or Super Hero Day
Friday: Orange and Black Day
September 16-20: School Safety Week We will practice drills
September 24: Family Night 5:30 p.m.
October 1: K/1 Field trip to Piggly Wiggly
October 4: No School for students
October 11: Kindergarten Field Trip
Last Week Pictures:
Kindergarten Reading Chart
Our Writing Chart: is our story a watermelon story or a seed story?
Our Writing Process Chart
A page from the book that Kindergartners created together
Have a great week!
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